Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Rationalizations

     Hmm, from the time it took me to write the title of this post to the time I started typing this sentence, I had a change of heart about the tone I am taking.  I was going to tell you about all the rationalizations I made to convince myself that not writing for two weeks was okay.  Then I was going to apologize and wring my hands and spend the whole post vowing to to better.
      Screw dat!
     I am just going to get on with life and give you a decent post.  Take that, guilt!
     Okay, now the only problem is I really don't have a topic planned.  At least before, I could have written something funny about how the birth of Jesus has caused me to be so busy as to ignore my reading public, but now I am stuck for material.  Maybe if I keep writing about how I don't know what to write about, something will pop into my head.  Okay, that didn't work.  Neither did that. Neither did...STOP IT.
     Note to self - next time you want to dump a topic right after typing the title, HAVE A TOPIC TO REPLACE IT!

     Okay, back to concocted letters...

Dear Dad Dude,
     My 8-year-old son seems to lack focus in school - or so his teacher is telling me.  This is the first I am hearing of this supposed problem.  Since his teacher told me this, I have been trying to look for signs of it at home, but I haven't noticed anything.  That kid can play wii for 5 hours straight!  My question is, do I confront the teacher or just ignore her?
- Honed In in Houston

Dear Honed,
     Here is the thing, playing wii for 5 hours straight does not prove a laser like focus.  I recommend that you set a meeting with the teacher, then go into that meeting with an attitude that you are there to support her in addressing the problem.  My guess is that math and history do not hold the same interest for your son that wii does.  You will probably have to sit with your son while he does his homework to see how he is doing at it (just sit there and maybe prod a bit, but do not answer it!).  Just remember that the teacher really has no motivation to lie to you about your son.  In fact, from my experience, if the teacher stretches the truth, it is to say the child is better than he is.  Good luck!

Well, that's it!  Another installment in the can. If you read it and even kind of liked it, send a link to everyone you ever heard of!   Also, please know that I am in no way trained in family counseling or am I a doctor or any kind of relationship professional.  Agree or not - the choice is 100% yours!
     Thanks for reading!

Oh, and PLEASE write your questions to;

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