Sometimes - without intending it - I can be kind of jerk like. Here is an example from over ten years ago that I am still paying for today. Here's the scene...
It's a beautiful evening and my first born is going to her junior prom. She looks so grown up in her dress and make up that I cannot believe my eyes. Everyone is meeting at the town center in the gazebo for pictures. When we arrive, I ask her to introduce me to her date and she does. As I am shaking his hand at this milestone moment in life, my own father's sense of humor pops into my head and before I can check the thought, it comes shooting right out of my mouth. Is it funny? Not remotely. Is it clever? Yea, right. Is it original? In my dreams! It is the very definition of the word "cliche."
Here is the piece of brilliance I actually uttered, "As I was cleaning my shotgun earlier today, I was hoping that my daughter's date tonight was going to be a nice boy."
I still cringe when I think about it, which is not often as it is usually blocked. And to this day, I have never heard about anybody my daughter ever dated. As far as I know, she has joined an order. Do I deserve this information black out? Yes, I probably do. What is the point of me blogging this? Maybe as self therapy and maybe some day some dad will read this and check his tongue at the door on prom night!
On to a letter
Dear Dad Dude,
I'm having a problem with my own dad. I came home the other day and caught him going through all my stuff in my room. He was spying on me! I never did anything to deserve this kind of treatment. I get good grades in high school and I have always tried to be a good son. He says that as long as I am under his roof, that he can go through anything he wants. I say I have a right to my privacy - I've earned it. What do you say?
-Trustworthy in Tuscon
Dear Trusty,
I say that your dad was very wrong - to get caught. Oh I don't have a problem with him spying on you. You are his responsibility. You are at an age where things can turn on a dime and your old man is just looking out for you. Hey, he must have done something right if you are a good kid that gets good grades. I just think he should have been more careful not to get caught by you - then you wouldn't know about it and there would be no problem!
Well, that's it! Another installment in the can. If you read it and even kind of liked it, send a link to everyone you ever heard of! Also, please know that I am in no way trained in family counseling or am I a doctor or any kind of relationship professional. Agree or not - the choice is 100% yours!
Thanks for reading!
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