Hi. It's me. I'm back. Did you miss me? I can see now, well actually I could always see why so many people start a blog, and then abandon it. I missed writing one - I didn't miss it like I longed for it, I missed it like I skipped it - because I was out of town and now I am finding it very hard to sit down and restart it.
But start it I must. I must forge on - even if it's late and I have to go and paint in the morning. Even if I was up at 5:30 this morning to work out. Even if I really don't have anything interesting to write. Even if I am the only one actually reading this. Even if the last email I got at daddude was two weeks ago - from me - and was the only email I got. I am forging on!
Okay - on to the much anticipated fake question. I don't have one so I am just going to let my fingers type away and see what they come up with. Here goes..
Dear Dad Dude,
jjfjqjif]] dof wqo [w n [oi fn[ afdnaldnfo kldf[lkd fm ladjs ['mma dgmaq'?
- Konfused in Kankakee
Dear Konfused,
Could you please restate that? I didn't quite get it.
Dear Dad Dude,
I'm sorry, let me see if I can clear that up. I asked if I'm a bad parent if I let my 12 year-old girl dress like Brittany Spears.
Dear Konfused,
Thank you so much. That was much better, I understood every word. Let me answer you in this way, yes, yes you are a bad parent if you let your 12 year-old dress like Brittany Spears.
Well, that's all I have tonight. At least I got some drivel down on the screen. See you Saturday!
That's it! Another installment in the can. If you read it and even kind of liked it*, send a link to everyone you ever heard of! Also, please know that I am in no way trained in family counseling or am I a doctor or any kind of relationship professional. Agree or not - the choice is 100% yours!
Thanks for reading!
* If you kind of liked this post, you may want to think about therapy.
Write your question - any question at all - about pretty much anything - to; daddude@wi.rr.com
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